Monday, February 18, 2008

Duped & Complicit

Here is the headline in a farmer's publication.
Doubts Raised About Recent Global Warming Studies

Yet, the short article only references the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory & the director of the National Ag-Based Lubricants Center in Iowa. The piece also quotes a former member of the Advisory Committee for Biomass to the Departments of Energy and Agriculture. Talk about loading up on government lackeys. The worst part of this piece, however, is the title. The studies in question actually assessed the role of corn based ethanol production in terms of the land usage issues, i.e., whether the production of corn is affecting global climate change. It's too bad that the farmers are being duped by this periodical. What's even worse is that the writer depends strictly on government employees for testimony. I suppose I ought to be clear that this is the agricultural corporate press speaking, but historically farmers have never known who their true friends are, a reason why so many of them are now out or going-out-of-business. Relying strictly on corn for ethanol production is a really bad policy. Bu$hCo's urging the use of switchgrass might actually be the highlight of his completely failed presidency.

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