Tuesday, April 28, 2009

41 Days Apparently Makes A Difference For Arlen Specter

That & the fact that he wants to be reelected, but as a ReThug, Specter just wouldn't be able to swing it. He would have had the true nutcase Pat Toomey as an opponent in the ReThug primary, but now it looks like he will face Toomey in the general election.
Help Pat Toomey put an end to Arlen Specter’s long liberal career – let’s put a real conservative in the Senate.
Here's Specter's statement.


Shutterwi said...

"Back and to the left" ?

nonheroicvet said...

Specter has all the class of Norm Coleman and the charm of Michelle Bachman but what the hell, I count 60 filibusterproof votes.

Us said...

just waiting for al to join the fun!!! i honestly think i would kick norm in the nads if i saw him walking down the street. at the least, i would give him an atomic wedgie. waiting, waiting, waiting.....